Westborough Athletic and Social Association  



Our Sponsors

The WASA would not be successful in supporting the needs of our youth and community if it were not for those individuals and organizations that have and continue to support our efforts. We are deeply appreciative to those who support us in our twice a month meat raffle and annual fundraisers.

Meat Raffle Supporters –

We send a special thank you to the organizations that allow us to sell raffle tickets in their places of business, including: The Central House, The Grill, VFW, JP’s & Sapporo's.

Scholarship Fundraising Calendar –

A special thank you to Curry Printing for providing the calendars and to the Central House.

WASA Golf Tournament –

A successful golf tournament requires sponsors of all types who are willing to support the cause. The sponsors that make the tournament a success each year include the host, Westborough Country Club, the many organizations and individuals that sponsor Tee’s & Green’s, the sponsors that provide raffle prizes, and last but not least the Golfers themselves.

2007 Sponsors (click to see the list) | 2008 Sponsors (click to see the list)

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